ahh. oaah. yeah.. cmon.. just one more... aahh.
I was pushing myself harder in the gym lifting that dreaded weight in hope to build some muscle. ( Ok, if you thought of something dirty, even before I even started with the sentence, you aren't a pervert. Nothing to worry! :P ) . I got a call from my bud asking me to get ready in another hour. I knew we had a plan to go to watch the Leonid meteor shower. As we all know it , the visibility in the city sucks coz of the light pollution, blah ,blah and blah. So, we decided to head off to a lake. Got home, had a quick shower and was sitting waiting for the call like a school boy ready on his first day or school. ( Yes, I love astronomy. Show me the night sky and i'll try finding constellations instead of just enjoying its expanse.) After they picked me up, all of us were excited and followed our all-reliable directions from Google map. But, this place wasn't easy. Lost our way couple of times and as my friend rightly put it, *fucked all the road rules along the way*. With help from our directional instincts and a dozen phone calls, we reached the lake.
Oh, I forgot to mention, it was one of the coldest nights in the city, but the chill din't stop us. We got down the car..And there it was. the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. The dark night sky studded with stars like jewels. Oh, what a view it was. For the first time in my life, I actually saw the sky, gaping at it and forgot about everything else around me. All of us just stood there, without a word spoken, lost in another world. No wonder the astronomers curse the cities for light pollution.
After the excitement settled, we giggled and ROFLed (literally) on some of the most random and *not so funny* things. In a word, it was just perfect!
After a while, adding to this simple WONDER, thin streaks started going off randomly across in the far east of the sky. The Leonid had started. All we could hear were the 'ah, did you look at that' , 'ooooh' and nothing else. we along with a few other enthusiasts who came to witness this marvel din't go home heart broken. We wen't back heart stolen. The nature just took us over making us realize few things in this world of ours are not meant to be missed.
Some people call it fate, and others call it luck, but I call it a choice. You have to choose and give nature a chance to treat you for those choices.
The sky does not seem the same anymore. "Goodbye, blue sky.."
'The grass was greener.. the light was brighter.. With friends surrounded, the nights of wonder..' - Pink Floyd