Greetings readers!
Today, I list all poignant reminders of the metal realm. As we all know, most of the metal bands at some point in their career have penned down some mournful tracks of which some evoke anger, some induce pain, but almost all, leave you with a heavy heart.
Melancholy is beautiful, in a weird way. And in my opinion, these songs will move you with a genuine heartfelt emotion and make you sympathize with these lyricists and musicians, who have endured pain and suffering just like the rest of us.
10. Endless Sacrifice (Train Of Thought) - Dream Theater
Lets start off the list with a classic by the masters of prog metal. 'Endless sacrifice' is about long-distance relationship and what it takes to endure it. Written by Petrucci, it details the sorrow and isolation you feel when you're far way from your loved one and the compromises you'll have to make. This one stanza from the song sums it up perfectly.
Over the distance, we try to make sense of surviving together, while living apart
The music is absolutely brilliant which blends in seamlessly with the lyrics. This is one song you cannot miss.
9. So Far Away (Nightmare) - Avenged Sevenfold
Written by the guitarist, Synyster Gates, this is one painful reminiscent of their deceased drummer, Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan. The lyrics give you a glimpse of the tragedy of losing someone who you love. The song genuinely makes you empathize with each and every member of the band after the loss of their good friend. I don't listen to A7X so much to understand why they have garnered so much hate, but I do know one thing, this is a well-crafted heartbreaking song, and due respect should be given, when deserved.
8. A Tout Le Monde (Youthanasia) - Megadeth
The French title, when translated to English, means "To all the world". This song is like a reverse eulogy, which is in the first-person perspective of someone breathing their last.. As Mustaine said it himself, it is an opportunity for the deceased to say something to the ones they love before they go.
An acoustic intro leads into a solid thrash composition filled with typical Megadeth riffs and solos.
7. Windowpane (Damnation) - Opeth
Opeth have churned out some extremely haunting melodies since their first album. This song, like the rest of the songs from the album Damnation, is a beautiful composition. It's a really sad song. The lyrics indicate that it's about child abuse and the emotional scars they leave behind. Windowpane is tailored with acoustic guitar bridges, melodious solos, soft drums and of course, the angelic voice of Mr. Akerfeldt.
6. Solitude (Master Of Reality) - Black Sabbath
Leave it to the masters of heavy metal to come up with a song so touching, by the time you are done listening to it, you will be left fighting a lump in your throat. Iommi not only plays the guitar, but also the flute and the piano in this mellow masterpiece. Ozzy's voice is soothingly sad. Only if the rest of the world knows how versatile metal really is.
5. Embrace Of The Endless Ocean (Twilight Of The Thunder God) - Amon Amarth
Half way through the list, we have reached to the tale of a slave, who has been set free and while sailing on a ship home, a storm rips it apart and he dies in the ocean. This is my personal favorite of this list and every time I hear it, I feel my neck hairs stand. This is viking metal at it's finest. Below is a lyrical excerpt.
Wont feel the breeze of my home shore, nor see the lakes or winter snow.
My hopeful dreams lie ripped and torn, father, I die alone, I die alone..
4. Here Come The Tears (Sin After Sin) - Judas Priest
I'll give you one tip. Don't ever listen to this song after a heart break. Sad songs are supposed to be your recluse after such events, but not this one. This will turn your soul inside-out. Halford shines in this song, delivering pain through his voice, while the guitars wail in misery in the background. And surely, by the time you are done with the song, here come the tears...
3. Suicide Note Pt.1 (The Great Southern Trendkill) - Pantera
This first part of the power ballad is arguably the most diverse song of Pantera. A 12-string guitar provides the rhythm, with some help from keyboards. Before the song segues into Pt. 2, it takes the listener into an isolated psychedelic experience, a mind of drug-induced suicidal, to live through his despair. Phil does a phenomenal job expressing pain through his vocals.
2. 1916 (1916) - Motorhead
Alright guys, get ready to bawl like babies. 1916 recounts the experience of a dying soldier. With a keyboard synth and drum machine, this song, composed by Lemmy, will surely leave you in tears. There is not much to say about this, except that it is probably the only sad song by Motorhead and they did an exceptional job in making it "heartrendingly sad".
1. Fade To Black (Metallica) - Metallica
Here it is. To me, this is probably the saddest song I've heard since I started listening to metal. Coincidentally, this song came out on top of UG's "Top 20 Greatest Rock Ballads" poll this week. This is the song I would listen to, if I had only 7 minutes to live. Starts off with a long acoustic intro, works it's way through a harmonious blend of guitars and drums and fades out with a killer solo. It is a classic thrash anthem and forever will remain so.